Concurrency Defect Detection in Complex Software Systems Based on Static Analysis
Release date: 2023-03-25 | Clicks:

Dr. Linzhang Wang

Nanjing University

Topic: Concurrency Defect Detection in Complex Software Systems Based on Static Analysis

Time: (Monday), March 25, 2024, 20:15

Venue: 1F Lecture Hall, School of Computer, Electronics and Information

Abstract: Complex software systems in the domain of safety-critical applications exhibit intertwined characteristics such as real-time operation, concurrency, and non-deterministic behavior. With their scale and complexity continuously increasing, it is inevitable to encounter defects during software development. Certain concurrency defects, under severe circumstances, can lead to system failures with catastrophic consequences that are difficult to mitigate. Therefore, detecting and addressing concurrency defects in complex software systems is imperative for meeting critical requirements and ensuring operational integrity. This report introduces a method for detecting and confirming concurrency defects in complex software systems based on static analysis. Initially, through fine-grained path segmentation analysis, the method conducts deep semantic analysis of target defect paths to identify potential concurrency scenarios and issue concurrency defect alerts. Subsequently, by integrating symbolic execution and simulation techniques, the method explores path reachability of concurrency scenarios to automatically confirm static analysis alerts, distinguishing between true defects and false positives. Finally, the report outlines future research trends in relevant areas.

Speaker Bio: Linzhang Wang is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing university. He is a participant in National Talents Program and a fellow of the China Computer Federation. His teaching and research primarily encompass software engineering, software security, software architecture, software analysis and testing, and intelligent software technologies. He has presided National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China. His academic publications have appeared in renowned international journals and conferences such as ACM TOCS, IEEE TSE, OOPSLA, PLDI, ICSE, ASE, and ISSTA in the software domain. He has received the OOPSLA Best Paper Award in 2013 and 2020.

Organizer: School of Computer, Electronics and Information